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Bee. honey + hive

Deep Frame Nucleus (Nuc) Colony - Pick up May 11th

Regular price
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Each 5 Frame Nuc will contain:

  • TONS of bees! All 5 frames will be covered with bees.
  • 3 frames of brood in various stages of development (eggs, open larva, and capped brood)
  • 2 frames of resources(honey and pollen)
  • 1 laying and marked queen from our very best survivor stock

More Info:

Nucs will come in a waxed cardboard box and be sealed(with ventilation) for transport. We recommend the back of a pickup truck.

The backseat or trunk of a car can also work. If this is the case you may want to consider purchasing a “mesh transport bag” of some sort to bring with you.

Please note that we cannot guarantee there won’t be a few bees that leak out-they are pretty amazing escape artists! 

Pickup date:

May 11, 2024

Pick up location: 

New Leaf Garden Market 

176 Lyday Loop Rd. 

Pisgah Forest, NC 28768


We do not ship Nucs, they are for local pickup only.

Bee. honey+hive apiaries have been inspected by the NC Apiary Inspector and permitted to sell honeybees.

    Deep Frame Nucleus (Nuc) Colony - Pick up May 11th